America Pulls Back From Values

America Pulls Back From Values

You probably didn’t need me to tell you this, but good American values just aren’t what they used to be. Last week the WSJ released an article with the results from a study on American values tracing back 25 years. The first line reads, “Patriotism, religious faith, having children and other priorities that helped define the national character for generations are receding in importance to Americans.” I, for one, am not interested in a country where being a Patriot has somehow turned into a bad word. And religion and having children - two other pillars of a traditional American lifestyle - are far less interesting to the general public than in the past two decades. Now you know why I say we’ve got a country to save! Idaho has signed legislation on March 24th legalizing the use of firing squads to carry out execution sentences, making it the fifth state to do so. The Associated Press reports that the need for an alternative execution method has arisen because drug companies that manufacture lethal injections apparently do not want to make their products available for ending lives. But isn’t that…like…your job?! IDK, but score one for Republican Governor Brad Little. Lastly, in spite of the demise in American values (see above), let’s celebrate a leader giving good advice to his Football Team. Kaz Kazadi, an assistant athletics director at TCU, is making his rounds on YouTube for offering young men good advice about Spring Break. The video is certainly worth a click, but I won’t spoil the pep talk! What I will say is that I believe the young men in this country need good role models like Kazadi who teaches how to be a gentleman, how to take responsibility for one’s actions, and thinking about long-term consequences for short-term actions. Regarding Spring Break he says, “you deserve 10 days off, but you don’t deserve to die…” A-MEN Much love and respect, Right Wing Naturals
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